Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Poor little me...

I had some great insight this weekend but I was too icky to get out of bed and write. Perhaps it is good- I find that I am definitely ruminating just like my dad does! I always bust his balls for it and now I'm doing it. So- maybe all that ick lost was good. I'm feeling positive tonight- got a bit of coke coursing through my bloodstream, and some happy thoughts, too. I truly think I am afraid to get out of my comfy damsel in distress mode and live! Ra ra ra! Tony Robbins ain't got shit on me. :)

This weekend I pseudo attempted to get myself offed. Well, not really but I did have an off the wall, back of the mind hope that my last minute guest might have more in store for me than massage and butt play (for him, mostly).

1 comment:

  1. Well, those of us who love you may have to pseudo attempt to kidnap and then cuddle you incessantly until you remember that it's true love and affection that soothes you and not this stuff these losers dish out to you. I have been thinking lately about how we all need to nurture that light inside us that never goes out; that isn't stoked or diminished by the fickle winds of life; that isn't affected by our successes or failures but just *is*. Once we have that light glowing inside of us, the stuff of life that happens outside of us just doesn't have the power over us that it once did... Here's to you and to me finding our light, you sweet, lovely, lost thing...
